Posted at: 2023-02-17

Update Note Test Server

Bugs fixed:

- Neutral epic triangle gem turning into rare
- Hit gem with wrong description
- Forging the new weapons of the magic classes now requires elemental ore
- When killing Teniatus, I was just completing the mission of the player who dealt the last damage
- Problem in the mission Ocarina Sardonica
- Bug in walls of Dasmanpur where it was not possible to break
- Bug to forge neutral diamond gem
- Bug in the mythic Critical IV gem where it was not possible to drag
- Bug in the Ignea Gauntlet where it was not possible to insert gems
- Bug when improving the rarity of a weapon or equipment where it no longer released additional slots according to rarity
- Lifesteal gems bug
- Fixed the bug in the smartcast where it showed the poison barrier spells, wall of fire, wall of energy in an inverted way
- Fixed bug where it was not possible to throw items over terrain in some desert areas
- Fixed the Critical II gem bug
- Fixed some item description bug
- Fixed Wormin amulet bug
- Fixed Calango meat bug
- Fixed bug in Amblion Strider sprite
- Fixed the bug in the sprite of Amblion Phantom
- Fixed the blocking bug for access to the Sand Elemental
- Fixed Dasmanpur Wanderer bestiary points
- Fixed the bug of not showing Dasmanpur houses for rent
- Fixed the roof bug of Dasmanpur houses
- Fixed Orc Vindicator teleport bug
- Fixed the bug where it allowed access to the Teniatus boss chest
- Fixed in Quest No Masters, No Gods
- Enkiar's Wall Quest bug fixed
- Fixed the bug in the guardian's room of the Seara da Serpente quest where it was not possible to leave the room
- Fixed the bug where it was not possible to pass the Yutantan boss sand barrier
- Fixed the Queen Teniatus bestiary bug
- Fixed The Cluster boss bestiary bug
- Fixed the dungeon bug of Ouro Nekro where it was possible to pass the last door


- Added Enchanted Stone Fragment on The Cluster boss
- Added loot on The Cluster boss
- Balanced boss Grott Van Kraken
- Added Enchanted Stone in Boss Grott Van Kraken
- Added loot on boss Grott Van Kraken
- Added bestiary for Snake hound
- Improved portal difficulties
- Reduced the strength of Amblion Spike
- Improved the chance to apply lifesteal from lifesteal gems
- Improved 350+ quest daily points
- Added Kanmali, Nyog and Brute sword weapons to NPC Juan El Salvador
- Added Portal to access Van Krakens
- Improved gem shard drop in dungeons. Level 1 => from 1 to 2 fragments, Level 2 => from 1 to 3 fragments, Level 3 => from 1 to 4 fragments



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