• MAGE



classe - xamã


The unbridled frenzy

Indomitable and truculent, the barbarians make no effort to eliminate their prey. They are so determined to win, they don't mind hurting themselves for the hunt. The wounds they suffer intensify their fury and thirst for blood, leaving them in a state of frenzy. Never want to come across a barbarian who is on a bad day.

Game style

Barbarians can do a lot of damage at the expense of exposing themselves to danger, which requires more strategy from the player. Your primary ability causes your damage to grow as your life goes down. It has battle-sustaining features such as damage recovery, abilities that give you greater mobility to escape or initiate conflict.

Class Resources

  • High damage
  • Damage inversely proportional to life
  • Life Supporting Resources
  • Mobility
  • Applying Bleeding

classe - bárbaro


Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de vida
Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de mana
Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de ataque físico
Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de ataque mágico
Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de defesa física
Bloodstone The Ancient Curse - Ícone de vida